Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Victor Harbor

Our next trip took us the Victor Harbor on the Fleurieu Peninsula, 100 or so kilometres South of Adelaide to the Victor Harbor Beachfront Holiday Park with friends Paul & Heather and family, Lyn and Steve.
We spent 3 nights at the park.
All of us are new to the caravaning world so it was good to be together and learn together.

First day (Wed 14/1/15) was spent setting up, and beer, champagne and food occupied the rest of the day and night. It was noted that Lyn & Steve's new annexe came in handy as the weather wasn't topical summer, in fact cool and windy..

Thursday Paul, Putty and I drove to Goolwa to play golf, which ended in a 3 way tie!!! The girls and Steve walked to the Bluff and then back into town for coffee. We all met up at Goolwa beach after lunch to collect cockles for Paul's fishing trip the next day. Bums up digging for cockles was only out done by Steve bogging his 4WD the first time he stopped on the beach!!! A guy in an old Pajero pulled up in seconds, took out his sand boards and had Steve mobile again in minutes. A drive to River Murray mouth ended the trip. It must be noted the there were a number of golf balls smashed down the beach and out to sea using Putty's new driver.

Dinner that night has held at the Hotel Crown where Putty and Cathy also joined us.

Friday saw Paul leave very early to drove home to Delemare to take Julian and mates out fishing. Again the weather wasn't favorable, glad I didn't go! He returned later in the day with 3 snapper for us, thanks Paul.  The rest of us took a walk into town, coffee, shopping. I tried making bread in our new halogen fan cooker, very limited success, dough didn't rise!
Saturday was slow, followed by packing up, working out how to empty the van toilet canisters into the depot at the front of the park. All good...

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