Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shake Down

Shake down trip to McLaren Vale CP

Adelaide to McLaren Vale, staying at the McLaren Vale Caravan Park 7,8,& 9 Nov 2014

We took the van on its first trip to McLaren Vale with Lyn and Steve in their brand new van.

Drove down on Friday after Helen had finished work, we used the Southern Expressway and had no problems towing it.

The photo shows Helen next to the car just before we set off.

Friday ,evening was spent setting up and then celebrating our first evening!!!

Friday was very, very hot but Saturday brought, cloud and a little rain. Steve and I spent a lot of the day working out why the fridge wouldn't work on 12 volt, problem solved. A walk into town for coffee, came with a little rain but nothing to cause a problem.

The CP was great, clean amenities, and we were very close to the camp kitchen so most of our meals were prepared there and eaten at the tables and seat provided.

We called into the The Menz FruChocs Shop, MMMMMMMMM


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