Monday, March 2, 2015

Eyre Peninsula March 2015

Off again in the van, travelling to Port Augusta and then on to Venus Bay. We are traveling with Lyn and Steve.
We will spend the first 4 days with Rick and Kerry at the Venus Bay CP.
Mambray Creek
Mambray Creek
We left at 6.15am on Sunday 1st March and caught up with Lyn & Steve at a road side parking bay (where L&S had spend the night) Breakfast was served to us not long after 9.00am, nice way to start the trip. Mambray Creek was where breakie was had.

But who did spend the night?
We stopped for lunch at the Lions Club Park where you can stay overnight for a donation, has toilets, shade and BBQ. While making some lunch we spotted a guy in a gopher, who made his way down to us, for a chat. Bruce is 93 and has lived all his life in Kimba and now visits the park every day to
Lyn, Bruce& Helen
care for it and havachat!! A lovely man..

On arriving at Venus Bay we were met by a woman named Linda, who promptly told me I taught her in Year 5 at Grange PS. Made me feel real old!! We set up the vans and then headed to the  Happy Hour of the fishing group.

Monday (2/3/15) started slowly and with weather and tides not ideal no fishing was to be had.

L&S and H&R headed off on some sightseeing of the area. We toured the township and then headed off towards Eliston for about 10K.
Camel Beach, note the home & shed in the background
Camel Beach
Camel Beach footsteps
First stop Camel Beach, Apparently a great fishing beach but for us today a walk along the sand.

Next stop Talia Cave, great scenery and easy walking.

We also found a place called The Tub. A sort of a sink hole that has an arch what opens onto the sea. Someone had made a step ladder out of a tree log and stood it ne xt to some bush roots, using both and being careful you could get done into the tub. Steve found a beehive and brought some bees wax back.
Tuesday (3/3/15) had Rob fishing with Kerry & Rick while the others had a slow start, then walked around the cliffs until I got back. 16 whiting and a flathead made for a worthwhile fishing trip.

After lunch L&S and H&R did a road trip around Venus Bay. The roads were very rough and we entered a national park which had an electric fence to make sure feral a animals couldn't region. We stopped when we reached the sand dunes, which you can see in the photo map.
Venus to Streaky
4/3/15 (Wed) Saw L&S and us do a day trip to Streaky Bay. We saw a sleepy seal lion under the SB jetty, lunch at the cafe overlooking the jetty and did the usual tour of the town. The CP looked great as did the new school opposite. On the return journey took the coast roads to go on the Westall Way Loop then onto the Pt Labatt Sealion Drive and the Cape Bauer Loop. Met an interesting English couple from Darwin at the Granites, his Pajero number plate was KAREN I asked why, his long winded story about his wife car and then she got a company car, so he put it on the 4WD. Also visited Bairds Bay, see aerial photo, saw a lone red car on the shore and a little boat out in the bay fishing

Pt Labatt
Lunch Streaky Bay
Sealion Streaky
Pt Labatt

Thursday (5/3/15) was a travel day. We packed up but before leaving, Rick's car wouldn't start. I drove the Pajero over for a jump start. It took a number of attempts to get it started.
Off to Elliston, visited bakery for coffee (they were closing the bakery the next day :(, the info centre and town hall and stayed for lunch.
About to leave and a Victorian traveler across the road pulled away from the curb to sharp and crunched a storm water downpipe and hitting a veranda. No damage to the building but he ripped the base of awning arm off the wall and bend it badly.
Town Hall Mural


Friday (6/3/15) Slow start to the day, did the Oyster Walk thru town and out to the big bay. The video shows the bay.

Saturday (7/3/15) 4WD down National Park

Sunday (8/3/15) Drove to September Beach

Monday (9/3/15) Toured the National Park, Fished and walked park

Tuesday (10/3/15) Drove to Lipson Cove

Wednesday (11/3/15)Drove to Pt Augusta

Thursday (12/3/15) Left Pt Augusta for the drive home